Social Media

Instagram to boost sales of a marketplace: effective guide

Every current digital marketing strategy includes Instagram to drive sales from a Marketplace. The impact is greater, reinforces the link between user and brand and, above all, increases sales.

Since it was released back in 2010, Instagram  has been gaining users and notoriety without stopping . This social network, once used to share food photos, has become a reference channel for vendors who want to reach potential customers.

The rise of the influencer figure and the immediacy of mobile devices have placed it at the top of the list of preferences.

How can Instagram help your marketplace?

Instagram can be a great ally for startups and consolidated companies that want to expand their presence in the market. In addition, an intelligent and careful use of this tool can provide you with the following advantages :

  • It allows you to upload creative and high-quality images of products.
  • Provide users with quick and anywhere access to your Marketplace
  • Being a global social network, the possibilities of attracting are practically endless.
  • It enhances customer engagement and helps brand positioning.
  • The purchase process from Instagram is simple, which increases the income of your business.

Tips for using Instagram to boost sales in a Marketplace

Whether you want to increase sales or want to enhance your brand’s image, Instagram is the ideal social network for it . To achieve these objectives and improve the life of your marketplace, it is advisable to follow the following guidelines:

1.- Turn your personal account into a commercial one

This feature offers a professional looking profile and allows you to extract contact information from Facebook . Essential if you want to use Instagram to drive sales from a Marketplace. In addition, it maintains the Instagram purchase links. Weekly you can check the sales status with complete reports of clicks and impressions.

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To convert a personal account into a commercial one, just follow some quick and easy steps:

  • In account settings click on the option Switch to Company profile .
  • Log in to your Facebook account as administrator. Next, select which business profile you want to work with.
  • Enter contact information for your Instagram business page. It can be an email or a phone number.

2.- Use attractive photographs

In a social network where visual is everything, you have to take care of this aspect with care.  If you are not a photography expert, the best thing to do is to hire a professional . A poor quality image detracts from the attractiveness of a product and noticeably damages its sales.

One way to increase traffic and attract users is to mark the images with the name of your online store. In this way, your followers will know where to find more information about the business. A detail to keep in mind is that when a photo is published, it is predetermined to be cut into a square shape. Keep this in mind when implementing this element in the images.

Complete your publication with subtitles that are attractive and decisive for the purchase decision . A powerful, crisp, and compelling title adds value to posts. Remember that the recommended size for Instagram is 1080 x 1080, and the character limit for subtitles is 2200.

3.- Engage your audience with special content

If you want to use Instagram to drive sales in a Marketplace, you have to foster a solid relationship with the community. They have to feel loved, that the brand provides them with special treatment . Your reputation is the best weapon to get more sales. There are several factors that will be very useful to strengthen this union.

  • Develop a unique brand voice . Communication has to connect humanely with your audience. In recent years, the use of emojis has proliferated, transforming the tone of many companies.
  • Share the philosophy of your company . Find a meaning for your business, the reason that drives you to sell this product.
  • Combine passion and content . If you are passionate about nature, why not make content related to what you love? The passion for topics that your followers like can open many doors for you. The connection will be stronger and they will be more open to speak well of your brand and articles.
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4.- Use hashtags to increase the reach

An image, however beautiful it may be, has a limited scope. So, if you want its impact to be noticeable, you have to use hashtags . These tags help Instagram catalog various types of images and products.

With the appropriate hashtags, your products will be viewed by more people, especially potential customers . Instead, a poor choice can backfire on your strategy.

Tags also make your profile easier to find on other social platforms. When an Instagram post is shared on Facebook, the hashtags are also posted there automatically. This improves the chances that users who are searching for those hashtags will find their content through Facebook.

Prepare a list of hashtags that identify your brand and analyze them to measure their popularity on Instagram. The ideal is to choose long tail labels whose use is not very exploited . These attract less audience, but are more specific and brand-related.

5.- Improve the shopping experience

The user has to feel at home when accessing your profile. An effective use of Instagram to drive sales from a Marketplace has to turn interest into sale. To achieve this goal, try implementing these tips :

  • Tag products in your posts. Take advantage of this feature by adding all their products through your Marketplace. This makes it easy for your community to see the prices and details of each product. For example, a shopping bag icon can hold a small catalog of products. Thus, the user does not have to go looking for information, he gets it instantly.
  • Increase the probability of sale. The ABC of marketing indicates that the best way to sell is to create a need. Get inspired by current market trends to capture ideas. You can link your products with the latest fashion, for example. If you sell shoes, and the most groundbreaking thing is concrete pants, post a photo combining both elements. If the buyer identifies with the stage and the product is useful, the sale is facilitated.
  • Provide contact information. You have to be available at all times through various channels. Offer your customers multiple options to learn anything about their purchases. It is interesting to include a phone number for orders, as well as an action button. In the Bio information, add an email or phone to give customers additional forms of contact.
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6.- Contact influencers to promote your products

Working with Instagram influencers to drive the sales of a Marketplace is a strategy currently established. Its operation is reminiscent of traditional word of mouth and can make your product reach various niche markets. 

When a company works with an influencer or blogger, their image becomes more powerful and attractive. Followers highly esteem this figure and trust their product reviews. This helps brands improve conversion rates and generate more revenue.

Analyze how your competition uses influencers for their marketing campaigns. Even if they are companies outside your business, this way you will see better what are the current trends in the market .

Betting on this technique means giving total influencers freedom to decide what content to publish. The only thing you have to contribute is the product and some basic guidelines to follow during the campaign. After all, they are the ones who know best how to connect with the public.

7.- Promote your publications

When you design the Instagram content strategy you have to be clear that you are going to have to invest in advertising . While it is true that you can attract customers organically, most will come through advertising campaigns . Promotions on Instagram to drive sales from a Marketplace are easy to set up:

  • Go to your business profile and click on ” Promotions “.
  • On the next screen, tap ” Create promotion ” and choose the publication you want to promote.
  • Select where the store is located.
  • In the next step choose the target audience. You can also delegate this choice to Instagram, but it is advisable to do the segmentation manually.
  • Finally, set the budget and duration of the ad. Depending on your campaign, you can promote more than one publication and spread the budget among the ads.

Now that you know the possibilities offered by using this social network for your business, it’s time to get to work. If you want to use Instagram to drive sales in a Marketplace, you have to do it with the best professionals.

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